Investing in Innovative Research for Nature and our livelihoods: Strengthening the research strategy to reinforce the ERA on Biodiversity

The aim of the workshop is to identify ways forward to consolidate the ERA on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and to explore what are the research priorities in the current research and environment policy context.

The specific objectives of the workshop will be to:

  • Explore current priorities for the biodiversity research agenda in relation to Horizon 2020,
  • Review the strategic functions of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and its added value to support the research strategy development,
  • Identify links between the biodiversity research agenda and the broader European policies e.g. EU 2020 Agenda.

The identified biodiversity research priorities will feed the upcoming discussions at the Alter Net conference on April 15-16 2013, ascertaining the research for the implementation of the “EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy”. The workshop will also generate recommendations that will serve as the basis of discussions to reshape EPBRS, develop its strategy and action plan. The biodiversity research priorities and recommendations to EPBRS will eventually be discussed/endorsed at the EPBRS Irish Presidency meeting on May 15-17 2013.

The plenary talks and round table discussions will engage scientists, policy makers and stakeholders.

As we would like to ensure a fair representation of disciplines and stakeholders, there will be a selection of invitees. To particpate please check the registration page.