WP4: Standardisation
Workpackage 4 is devoted to ensuring that all data within ViBRANT are compatible with, and available to, other research and publishing infrastructures and services. These activities include the coordination, development and mobilisation of externally standardized ontology’s throughout the ViBRANT framework, (e.g. bibliographic, geographic, media metadata data, exchange standards); in addition to geographic and taxonomic content standards. This requires networking and integration activities with international efforts such as the GBIF 'Global Names Architecture', CBoL and the Encyclopedia of Life.
M4.40 - Advanced Statistics web services for the ViBRANT Index
Advanced Statistics web services in the ViBRANT Index (e.g. to search and count objects within single classifications or even sub-trees)
Partner: BGBM
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M4.30 - Integrating the biowikifarm into ViBRANT authentication
Description: In order to make a cross-cutting editing between ViBRANT-Scratchpad and ViBRANT-biowikifarm users practical, a joint authentication system needs to be established. This will require the collaboration with WP1, JKI has little expertise in this area.
Partner: JKI
Deadline: 30 November 2012
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D4.2 - Ontology tools
Develop the GBIF ontology tool and produce an equivalent tool based on a semantic wiki. Deliver a single user interface for ontology creation and editing based on user-acceptance of the alternative technologies.
Partners: GBIF (KOS) & JKI (Wiki's)