WP6: Scholarly publishing
The goal of Workpackage 6 is to facilitate automated submission, review and publication of species descriptions and taxonomic acts from the Scratchpads and GBIF through scholarly publishers. This work builds on an existing prototype and will be compliant with the Zoological and Botanical rules of nomenclature that currently require taxonomic acts be published on paper and deposited in a minimum of five libraries. The result will be to streamline the scholarly publication process through the development of publication workflows that reuse content present within the ViBRANT consortium infrastructure and are published in a manner that is acceptable to the biodiversity science research community. Crucially WP6 will facilitate the push-button submission of formatted manuscripts from the Scratchpad and GBIF infrastructures to scholarly publishers. This work will be developed with Pensoft, publisher of the Open Access journals Zookey and Phytokeys for animal and plant descriptions before being made generally available through a stable, standard XML-based structure. See for example the Letter of Support from Magnolia – publishers of the seminally important taxonomic journal ZooTaxa.
D6.3 - Data publication workflow
The present deliverable describes several workflows and tools developed or upgraded by Pensoft in the course of the ViBRANT project.
M6.17 - New open access data publishing journal
The present milestone describes the focus, scope and policies of the Biodiversity Data Journal (http://biodiversitydatajournal.com).
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M6.12 - Workshop on mark up tagging tools and implementations
Note: these workshops were originally conceived to take place at TDWG meetings, but the most significant meetings were those reported here.
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D6.1 - XML mark up tool & service
XML mark up tool to create ready-to-submit taxonomic manuscripts from Scratchpads to ZooKeys and PhytoKeys. Create a service to preview service for author-proofing prior to formal submission.
Description of the workflow with implementation shown with the exemplar paper of Faulwetter et al. (2011)
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