M7.24 Upload service for complete bibliographies

In order to allow individuals to upload bibliographies that they have compiled, a bulk upload service is required. This milestone will address that requirement. M7.24 requires the functionality that will be developed in M7.21, M7.22 and M7.23.

This milestone was defined in M7.15.


Milestone original delivery date was Friday 29 June 2012.
Brought forward to Friday 1 June in line with changing emphasis within WP7 to favour progress on bibliographic reference handling at the expense of mark up processing. See milestones M7.16 and M7.23.


Enhanced functionality - large scale processing through oboe

As the original remit of this milestone has been completed, the milestone is marked as complete.

Note, we are looking at the possibility of using oboe to deliver a bulk upload service for larger bibliographies. This additional functionality, will be tested over the Summer.