A forum for those doing research within ViBRANT to exchange news and views relevant to the whole project.
M8.22 - Prototype version of a start-up portal for discovery of GBIF mediated data
The GBIF Secretariat has developed a first version of the Nodes Portal Toolkit Startup that is focused on providing GBIF country Participant Nodes with a initial national biodiversity information site as web presence. The first version of the NPT Startup is currently send out for review with a deadline for feedback within the GBIF community up to 6 May 2013.
Read here about the materials that accompany this review:
D8.3 - A start-up portal for discovery of GBIF mediated data
The Nodes Portal Toolkit (NPT) Startup enables countries to establish a web presence with relevant biodiversity information from GBIF and EOL. The NPT Startup will be built on the ScratchPads platform, and will extend developments of ViBRANT to a broader context of the use of biodiversity data portals. The first version of the Nodes Portal Toolkit (NPT) Startup will be available as a Drupal profile accompanied with relevant documentation for use and further development. The NPT will be deployed in several countries within and outside Europe.
D8.2 - Analytical and reporting tools
The delivery of Analytical and reporting tools include two main software packages:
1) GeoCAT: This tool is designed to produce rapid species level conservation assessments based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2001). Through an easy to use interface with a familiar Google Map underlay you can upload primary occurrence data for a species and at the click of a button calculate values relating to the geographic range of a species.
M8.21 - Integration of visualization applications with Scratchpads
Integration of visualization applications with Scratchpads
This has been delayed because of the migration from Drupal 6 to 7. A workshop on data visualization using CartoDB/GeocAT has been organized in November in which developers from WP2 and WP8 have envision where
GeoCAT and Scratchpads can be connected.
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M8.20 - Ecological and conservation applications implemented as a service
Ecological and conservation applications implemented as a service
M8.18 - Scratchpads module for data recording (Citizen Science ) - Alpha version
Scratchpads module for data recording (Citizen Science ) - Alpha version
The delivery of this Milestone was postponed from the first semester of the third year of the project because it needs more time for collaboration with WP2. Migration from Drupal6 to Scratchpads2 requires additional effort both from WP8 and WP2 to deliver the Alpha version of the data recording module.
Alpha version is almost there. Needs a little work from NHM team. However, it is postponed in order to integrate the apps for the mobile phones.
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D3.1 - Training strategy
Full strategy for training and delivery, tested on an initial training course and with training course announcements and workshops for the next year.
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D6.3 - Data publication workflow
The present deliverable describes several workflows and tools developed or upgraded by Pensoft in the course of the ViBRANT project.
D6.2 - Review, refine & evaluate services
Review & refine existing services in the light of user feedback and usage statistics. Evaluate and refine XML schemas for submitting submission.
Original delivery date: 31 May 2012
M6.16 - Refinements to XML-based workflow for peer-review based on user feedback
Based on the analysis of three online surveys, the authoring and editorial processes of the Biodiversity Data Journal have been significantly refined. In addition to several purely technical suggestions for improvement, some brand new features, such as Community and Public review processes were implemented into the system. The scope of BDJ and the general workflow, from generation of manuscript in PWT to submission and publication to the Biodiversity Data Journal and dissemination of the published in BDJ content have been elaborated.
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D4.2 - Ontology tools
Develop the GBIF ontology tool and produce an equivalent tool based on a semantic wiki. Deliver a single user interface for ontology creation and editing based on user-acceptance of the alternative technologies.
Partners: GBIF (KOS) & JKI (Wiki's)
M3.12 - Assessment of user support services, with the refinement of subsequent milestones
Scratchpads user support systems are analysed and discussed. Results of a maintainer survey will feed into the development and project management of Scratchpads.
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